Agency Plus - the joint agency and agent account

Many sex businesses (e.g. escort agencies, brothels, whorehouses, massage parlors, swinger clubs and private houses) Agency plus membershipare members of our number one sex marketplace and operate agency sites.

Information about all escorts with their sex services and profiles is listed on the agency's own pages. These include high-class escorts, callboys, transgender, whores, hookers, hobby whores, housewives, massage therapists, dominatrixes, companions, massage boys, bizzarladies.

Our new function makes it possible to add so-called agents to the individual agencies, which can be represented by sex service providers. This new feature at our sex marketplace end erotic portal was only recently introduced and offers a number of advantages and opportunities for sex service agencies.

Let's take a closer look at this feature and see how an escort agency can use it on our website.

What is the Agency Account Plus?

An agency account and an agent account.

Agencies can invite agents to join the agency in their account section. The agents are displayed on the agency tab. All of the agent's own escort profiles are also displayed on the agency's website.

Who benefits from using Agency Plus?

The advantages of the new option are obvious for both escort agencies and agents. Agencies can:

Agencies have their own pages with information about their activities, staff, escorts and the unique features of their sex services. By the way, agencies can also add their company logo and information on their pages;

Agencies invite agents who can provide relevant sex services in the agency's name and design. These agents, in turn, can do what they do best: provide sex services. When the agents do this on behalf of the agency, they can leverage the agency's reputation and resources.

What happens when an agent no longer works for the agency?/strong>

If an agency decides to stop working with the agent for any reason, the agent will be removed from the agency with all the profiles posted. This is done simply by pressing a button in the agency account.

In this case, the agent can continue to work for our sex marketplace and erotic portal as an independent agent if he so wishes. He has the right to keep his account but is no longer associated with the agency that previously invited him.

In summary, we can say that Agency Plus offers great advantages for both agencies and agents. In particular, it allows agencies to reduce the amount of work. Thus, a specific agent is responsible for specific offers. Most importantly, the Agency Account Plus offers the opportunity to increase the number of communication channelsto increase sales and improve interactions between agents, sex providers and clients. Therefore, number one sex marketplace strongly recommends taking a closer look at the new Agency Plus and working with it.

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